
mardi 25 mars 2014


Texture and material tests for the game I mentioned on the previous post.
I allowed myself to make a dense lowpoly wireframe (9968 quads) since the renders will be made in 3ds max. I think I'll make a lighter lowpoly version just to show I can do more optimized works for real-time renders.

No normal maps in the render below. The normal map was nearly invisible with no specular and this kind of shadows

mardi 11 mars 2014

Cell-Shading-Style Tests

A quick 3d modeling I made with zbrush, to try out different cell shading like renders in 3ds max, for a new project with friends. I usually prefer to import assets into unity, udk or even marmoset for real-time renders. But this time we want to fake a 2d render as we could see in some old beat them all games. The idea is to make 2d renders in 3ds to import them into unity.
I will have made more thorough model and diffuse map by tomorrow night.