
mardi 16 décembre 2014

Spacecrafts WIP

Space fighters tests for an independent shoot em up. Links below lead to a Unity real-time 3D viewer, to allow you to inspect the models.
We eventually decided to make less photorealistic textures, as the second ship below. Its textures are still WIP. The goal is to test whether non-photorealistic textures work with skyshop IBL within unity.

Here are the links to the real-time 3d viewer for web browser:

Viewer Tips:
-Rotate sky and light around the model: shift + left click (drag)
-Turn around the model: left click (drag)
-Move the camera: center/wheel click (drag)
-Zoom in/out: right click (drag)
-Change the mood (skybox): click one of the two balls

mardi 25 mars 2014


Texture and material tests for the game I mentioned on the previous post.
I allowed myself to make a dense lowpoly wireframe (9968 quads) since the renders will be made in 3ds max. I think I'll make a lighter lowpoly version just to show I can do more optimized works for real-time renders.

No normal maps in the render below. The normal map was nearly invisible with no specular and this kind of shadows

mardi 11 mars 2014

Cell-Shading-Style Tests

A quick 3d modeling I made with zbrush, to try out different cell shading like renders in 3ds max, for a new project with friends. I usually prefer to import assets into unity, udk or even marmoset for real-time renders. But this time we want to fake a 2d render as we could see in some old beat them all games. The idea is to make 2d renders in 3ds to import them into unity.
I will have made more thorough model and diffuse map by tomorrow night.

lundi 20 janvier 2014

Face Studies - zbrush

3D furnitures - But

Some 3D models I made for BUT, a french store. I don't post them all cause there are too many furnitures! But it still gives an overview of the mission. The goal was to make a real-time viewer for customers to see what they are going to buy.
The client didn't want any normal maps or specular maps, so I mostly relied on ambiant occlusion maps and I painted lights directly on the diffuse map when necessary. I used a cube map to fake reflections.
There were neither real-time shadows nor specular in the final scene, so the only shadows you see on the pictures below are ambiant occlusion maps added in the diffuse map or on a plane to fake the ground.